Quick-service restaurants are one of the most innovative sectors of the hospitality industry. They are fully optimised to have a streamlined service. Whether they specialised in burgers and fries, steaks, chicken, fish, burritos, pizza or sandwiches, they all have one thing in common: the speed of their service. It has to be fast. The clock starts when a customer makes their order, whether they’re ordering at a counter or a drive-through. The time it takes to get their food in front of them needs to be minimised. Good service depends on it. The problem is, with the amount of food flying out the kitchen comes just as many dirty dishes in the same amount of time.
This means an endless line of treys, coffee cups, glasses and greasy utensils. Unique business models – such as those of quick-service restaurants – require unique washing solutions. Winterhalter provides just that.
Robust design
Maximises hygiene
Dry, ready to use wares and utensils straight from the wash
Heat Recovery – minimises downtime between washes
Short wash cycles – sparkling, commercially cleaned wares every two minutes