Morning breakfast buffet. Then lunch. Dinner in the evening. And running the bar until late at night. Non-stop wash items of every kind. The right Dishwashers are essential. For an efficient washing process, cleanliness and hygiene.
High season. Peak period in the hotel breakfast room. Guests come in, have their breakfast, start their day. Clean dishes go out, dirty dishes come back in. And they all have to be cleaned perfectly as quickly as possible. Along with glasses, cutlery and the utensils from the kitchen. The same goes at lunch. And again at dinner. With coffee and cakes in between. Late evening then belongs to the glasses: for beer, wine, juices and cocktails. The end of the day in the hotel bar. It is the peak times and wide variety of wash items, that shape the working day in a hotel. Dishwashers must be able to cope with this reliably. Maximum performance and continuous operation. Perfect wash results with a variety of wash items. Without any manual polishing of glasses and cutlery. As economical and cost-effective as possible. A job for Winterhalter.