A hotel offers service around the clock. For hotel guests, event participants and daytime visitors. All this creates large volumes of dirty dishes, which have to be brought back into circulation quickly. These basic conditions played an important part in hotel manager Hans-Peter Grüneberg’s decision to opt for the Winterhalter MTR conveyor machine. »Two Dishwashers can work quickly, reliably and at a high level of cleanliness thanks to the optimal coordination of the washing processes and the outstanding efficiency of the machine.« That’s a real advantage when a wide range of dishes are piling up in large volumes at service times and during events. Rack after rack, everything comes out sparkling.
An important starting point for hygienic results: a clean machine. The automatic self-cleaning programme and well conceived hygiene concept of the MT Series helps deliver this. The surfaces are cleaned with fresh water during operation, for example. Doors that open 180° make cleaning easier. Hygiene requirements are met and standards set.