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- 15.02.2023
- 4 min
The 5 biggest challenges when washing glasses
Glasses. They are the business card of any foodservice establishment. They can bring your guests into ecstatic raptures – or spoil any pleasure right from the outset. What happens on the tables at the front is decided backstage: during the washing. After all, the path to immaculately clean, hygienically perfect and brilliantly shining glass is strewn with hurdles. But why is glasswashing so difficult? In this article, we take a closer look at glass and show you what the five biggest challenges are when glasswashing.
1. There is a different glass for almost every drink. And no two glasses are the same.
2. Water leaves limescale, streaks and marks. The little greetings from the kitchen.
3. Glasses are delicate. And expensive.
4. Glasses show all soiling. Visible and invisible.
5. High demands are placed on glasses. From foodservice professionals and guests.
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